The new GDPR legislation becomes law in May of this year and few photographers are yet fully aware of its impending implications upon their business. It’s worth having a read of the links here as the effects of this are likely to be more far reaching than many will have anticipated. In this article one photographer aims to give an overview of how wedding photography business practices will be changed quite significantly and the potential risks of non-compliance.
In 2015 Matt Granger published this video aimed at beginners wanting to begin their journey into macro photography. Worth a watch if that’s you.
This article might be worth a read if you’re about to invest in a new entry level DSLR.
If you’ve outgrown your point-and-shoot camera or are no longer satisfied with the snaps you get from your smartphone, and feel like you’re ready to take your photography to the next level, then an entry-level DSLR is the most obvious choice.
Entry-level DSLRs deliver a big step up in image quality from a compact camera or smartphone, offering far more manual control and the ability to change lenses to tackle a huge variety of projects. Don’t worry though – there are also a host of auto modes to help you out until you’re comfortable with the more creative controls that a DSLR offers. Read on
Eagle eyed readers might recognise the image showcased on Getty Images above.. 2 from this series are on the home page of this site! The image comes from a set of 3 which depicts a poor little money spider that had become trapped and encapsulated on the washing line in our garden in Surrey in 2016.
It was the most nerve-racking shoot ever as I used an all manual Laowa 60mm macro lens, camera was on a tripod but it was still windy and the washing line kept moving. I was extremely aware that not only was it difficult to capture the moving target, the raindrop containing the deceased spider could drop at any second and the opportunity would be gone. Fortunately it didn’t and the shot has now become a popular image and was just purchased by a children’s book company in the US for one of their new book series.